Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Discovered Another Pear...And The Last of the Dahlias

Design - "Fruit Sampler"
Designer- unknown
Chart - "Prizewinning Mini Samplers" 034819
Better Homes and Gardens
Fabric - 28 count Khaki Jobelin
Floss - DMC
Started - 5 March 1997
Completed - 8 March 1997

In looking through my completed stitches, I unearthed another "pear piece".  This one was stitched clear back in 1997, but I think, has withstood the test of time, and is still a pleasing design.

Friday evening I went with my sister to her dahlia garden.  She wanted to pick some bouquets before a rainy weekend wrecked havoc on her blooms.

We opened the garden gate and went inside to take a look!

The dahlia garden in mid-October was lush, exuberant, and slightly riotous.

As the bright colors fade badly in direct sunlight,

the dahlias have benefited from several cool, grey days.

The plants are blooming prolifically.

It's next to impossible for me to choose a favorite.

I go from brights to pastels...

to admiration of the entire luxuriant display...

and back to a particular color and form. 

Look at the sleepy bumble bee! 
I wonder how he chose his bed-time blossom?

See more of the outdoors at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. Oh my what stunning flowers those Dahlias are!! Just beautiful.

  2. Your Fruit Sampler does stand the test of time!! Very nice.

    Those dahlias are amazing. We can't grow them like that here in Kentucky- they are incredible.

    Thanks for beautifying our day!

  3. How lovely to have your own garden like that. Just beautiful The fruit sampler looks very well made.

  4. The dahlias are gorgeous! What a wonderful garden!

  5. You do lovely work with stitching, and those dahlias--gorgeous! Love the pictures of them, minutiae or not!! Hugs!


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