Monday, October 18, 2010

Knit Happens...

Imagine the surprise, when on Saturday morning, my sister and I got out of the car "to feed our meter" before walking to the Farmers' Market. Upon closer observation, I determined that it was a piece of public art...a small laminated tag attached announced "Knit Happens"!

I discovered This Eugene Knitting Group's Blog and at the end of August, they had a "yarn bombing" which included this piece - wonderful fun!

Well, darn it (great pun, huh?) I think it is wonderful.  Something unexpected and quirky - plus, my gosh the work involved to stitch it, then the generosity of "gifting" it to the public for as long as it lasts - I think it had to be pieced together in situ at the last moment.  Pretty awesome.  

The colors used in the "Meter Piece" were echoed by the many displays of peppers at the Market. 

Bell Peppers

Anaheims and other "Hot" Peppers

More Bells

More "Hotties"!

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. That is sooo neat! Love the peppers, too. I have to hunt for chili peppers here... I'd love ot have access to jalapenos in bulk!

  2. I've seen pics of this online but never in person but I would be tickle to do something like this. It has to make you smile -- and doesn't the idea of a knitted bombing make you crack up- too bad all of life isn't soften this way! Happy stitching -

  3. That is so cool. It would bring a smile to my face to see something like that!

  4. Those knitters are really something!! Yes, as a knitter, I know they spent some time on that - love the philosophy!!

  5. What a fabulous thing to find! I think I couldn't bear to leave it there :o)
    As always, lovely pictures from the market.


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