Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feeling Blue...Putting Summer Away

I was pleased to read all the positive comments on my "Knit Happens" post.  I do so admire creative people who "push the envelope" in unexpected and entertaining ways.

I have been stitching away on "October Quaker".  As it uses 40 count linen, it is not a good travel project, so I've not had many opportunities of late to work on it.

I did spend several hours Sunday morning
"Putting Summer Away." 
Most of the garden year, I am perfectly content - in fact prefer - to putter and play by myself.  Come "clean up / pick up time" though, that is when I would far rather have the role of Director of Operations, and oversee a Staff of Minions.  I don't enjoy the chores associated with saying good-bye to the growing season.  Though, honestly, I do enjoy the quiet and break in responsibilities.  There's just no pleasing me I guess.   

I decided to start with the hostas which I had displayed in front of my picnic benches.  I tidied them up and then shoved them under the benches pots and all.  I've found the hostas soon go dormant, and are content to live there during the winter. They all survived a week of temperatures in the "teens" this past December.  In the spring when the first new leaves begin to show, I move them out and give them a drink of water, and off we go for another year.

Next up...the ferns.  In reading the tags, many are "house plants" ferns and not cold tolerant, so I moved them into the shop - on a table near a window. 

Lastly, I picked up, cleaned up, and put away all of my Garden Art.  All the plant stakes, the fused glass objects, the cast-iron insects, the many watering cans.  Now I can take a small respite as the weather is to continue to be mild with no danger of frost in sight. 

I do have to share my newest Garden Art purchase - the blue and white mushroom - isn't it darling?? 

Don't forget to take a look at the The Tuesday Garden Party!


  1. I love that blue striped pot!

  2. Now that your gardens are all tidy for winter would you like to come take care of mine? LOL

  3. Eugh. I don't envy you your chores, although I must say all your plants and garden art looks like a pleasure to potter around with :o)

  4. Good for you, I'm notoriously bad at clean up. :-)

    Thanks for sharing!
    An Oregon Cottage


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.