Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall Birds and Fall Flowers

I decided a change of pace was called for - a moratorium from pumpkins and other foods - so next up - "Bitty Birds" - the design on the bottom right.  This chart has a Shepherd's Bush shop sticker on it, so I must have bought it on one of my Salt Lake City trips where I combine my passions for cross stitch and genealogy! 

On Friday the forecast called for rain this weekend.
I decided it was time for some more gardening magic.

I took advantage of a truly glorious Friday, and potted up some pansies.  

While our winters are generally mild enough for pansies, I need to come up with a better system for watering and maintenance.  The poor pansies tend to languish under my winter-neglect. 

Speaking of pansies, this is my maternal grandfather's botany specimen and notes from May 1928, his sophomore year of high school.

It is remarkable how much color the pressed flowers still have 82 years later.

1 comment:

  1. I guess you really do get your love of gardening genetically!! That is fantastic that you still have those notes and pressed flowers. You are right, it is amazing that they have kept their color so long.

    Looking forward to seeing Bitty Birds.


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