Monday, October 11, 2010

Bitty Birds...Bitty Plants

This turned out to be the perfect stitch for a rainy weekend.

Design - "Bitty Birds"
Chart - "Harvest Trio"
Designer - Twisted Threads
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 October 2010
Completed - 10 October 2010

Just three colors - simple design - a great stitch!

Yes it rained this weekend - we got just over an inch - showered on and off Saturday - then Sunday from about 8:00am until 2:00pm it rained!  The poor quail and Steller's Jays looked miserable.

I was most glad that I'd had such a productive "Outside Friday."

I replanted these two containers....

and the chicken and quail...

and refreshed these nine pots.

With sedums and the like, it's all about color, form, and texture. 

My display looked much healthier and robust when I was done.

I must give credit to my Supervisor and Professional Consultant - Tom-Cat.
He found a spot of sunshine in front of the door, just to the left of the plant stand.  Cat's are all about their own comfort! 


  1. Oh I love this piece - cute cute cute! Every project needs a feline supervisor, doesn't it? LOL!Your plants are looking great. We need rain here, my garden is crispy. Well there is always hope for the spring - Happy stitching.

  2. Too cute!! You stitched that really fast! The color on the letters is just perfect for fall.

    You have some great planter there. How do you keep up with watering and triming all of them?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.