Monday, August 9, 2010

Stitching and Gardening and...

When I was last up in Corvallis (in May I think), I entered a drawing at Friendship Crossing for a basket of goodies.  Ann notified me shortly thereafter that I had won!  Joy!  I asked her if she'd hold on to it for me until my next trip north.  She graciously agreed, and on Saturday I was able to get my basket of treasures.  

The treasures included a nice selection of DMC floss, 28 count fabric, needles, and a hoop, scissors, three charts, a kit, and other odds and ends.  Such fun and I am so pleased to have won.

On the gardening front, I planted my begonias in a set of funky pots I got a while ago from Michael's.  I think the leaves provide a sharp contrast with the green pots.

And yes, I had to purchase two more coleus.  These are large (full-sized)
plants and they just glow!

This begonia also reached out and grabbed me - more for the elongated leaves than the small pink blossoms.

One more fuchsia - it's a beauty - and with the cool summer weather we've had thus far, the fuchsias are thriving!

Hope you are off to a good week. 
Thanks for all the compliments on the photos of the house, and plants, and stitching projects.  It is a thrill to have followers (25 now) who not only read my blog, but are kind enough to take the time to write thoughtful messages.  

1 comment:

  1. The bunny turned out great! I love the picture if the sunflowers.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.