Sunday, August 8, 2010

Road Trip Saturday

I got up bright and early Saturday morning (5:00am), so that I could be in Corvallis by 7:00am. 
Ann of Friendship Crossing hosted her annual Customer Appreciation Sale on Saturday, with the largest discount available the first hour of the sale.  I had a blast and bought...and bought...and bought.  I will go into the details in another post.

After an hour of intense shopping (I had a list), it was time for breakfast.  New Morning Bakery handily is next door.  
The display cases are works of art!  

I succumbed to a massive chocolate croissant...drizzled with chocolate on the outside, and filled with mini-chocolate morsels on the inside.  

Then it was time to take in Corvallis' Farmers' Market.
The market location is beautiful - right along the river, and a broad "closed to vehicles street" makes for comfortable shopping.

Lots of fresh produce...

and can you tell this booth had fresh seafood for sale? 

I purchased cheeses from the Willamette Valley Cheese Company of Salem, OR.  I also picked up some fish - salmon and yellow rock fish - called greenies.

Then it was time to drive south down Peoria Road along the farms and nurseries to Gindhart Nursery in Shedd, OR.
Founded in 1942, the nursery has six greenhouse of plants and extremely competitive prices.  I loved their display of birdhouses.  They have a large, thriving colony of swallows - wonderful organic pest control. 

At $2.25 each I decided to try my hand at growing these amazing begonias.  I was told that over-watering would be the death of them.  This will be a challenge for me, as I tend to be a prolific waterer!

I ended up with 24 plants for $45.00 - such a deal.  And such a fun day too!  Of should I say fun morning?  I was home by noon and (pat myself on the back) had most of the plants potted up before the day ended. 

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