Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Start

I decided to start "Peacock Spot Sampler" by Ewe and Eye and Friends.  It is stitched on 36 count linen.  After working several projects in 28 count this seems very small to me! I love the muted palette of colors for this stitch and I'm sure my eyes will adjust to the tighter weave of linen.

I am recovering from 4th of July excesses today.  I walked the 4.5 mile "Mayor's Fitness Walk" as part of the Butte to Butte run.  My mom and I finished in 1:15:45 - so we averaged about 16 1/2 minutes a mile - not bad as I'd not tread-milled for a couple of weeks.  I am a bit stiff and nursing a blister, but other than that no ill effects.  In the evening we went to Art in the Vineyard for food, music and fireworks - a most enjoyable day.  I think John Adams would be pleased with how we honored the day.

This morning is cool and cloudy with a bitter little wind.  It does not feel like the 5th of July and it is difficult to believe that we are to be in the low 90's by mid-week.

It's a good day to curl up and take stock of the situation!  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and that's great about your walk! And I love your new start - those designs are classic!


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