Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday's Birds

Lots and lots and LOTS of bird activity with this miserable harsh weather. 

Early on a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew in. 

It looks like it is mad at the weather.

I don't blame it.

Everyone else flew off.

And the bird then left.

The Juncos are all puffed up.

They look cute.

The male California Quail, on the other hand, looks miserable.

I feel his pain.

Trudge, trudge, trudge.

At least one hummingbird still coming to the feeders in the snow.

Water - I need to make sure they have access to water.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Sharpie looked mad or maybe because the rest of the birds flew off. The Juncos look like puff balls. Stay warm, Beth!


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