Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wednesday's Walk - Archive 2019

An August 2019 walk.

This time of year I'm refreshed whenever I see some green like these horsetails...

...most of the meadows are taupe and brown.

The teasel provides a pop of color. 

I'd think the Cedar Waxwings would be gobbling these berries.

The blackberries continue to bloom.


Pearly Everlasting - hard to top that name!

Dogwood fruit.

A thistle explosion.

Sap dripping from young Douglas fir cones.

Honeysuckle berries.

Chicory blue - it can't be beat! 


  1. All that gorgeous activity going on while we are busy in our lives and often don’t stop to look and appreciate it. Thank you for slowing down in your life enough to take beautiful photos to share with us and remind us to notice!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.