Monday, June 26, 2023

Birds on the Southern Oregon Coast


Design - "Keeping the Bees" (kit)
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - 32 count Light Sand linen
Fibers - Silks - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 15 June 2015
Completed - 19 June 2015 

Last week we took a short trip on the southern Oregon coast from Coos Bay down to Gold Beach to attend a wedding. I managed to fit in a bit of birding. I heard many, many more species of birds than I was able to photograph. 

Barn Swallow

Song Sparrow

Ubiquitous Gull

Brewer's Blackbird

California Quail

White-crowned Sparrow

Douglas Squirrel

American Robin

Rufous Hummingbird


Band-tailed Pigeon

And a lovely wedding!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful assortment of birds you saw on your short trip, Beth!


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