Thursday, May 4, 2023

Spring Migration Part 2

This sampler is called "Brite Birds", a freebie issued in 1998 from Barrick Samplers. I stitched the piece of 32 count raw Belfast linen. I began on the 12th July 2009and finished it the 16th of July 2009. I used the DMC colors as listed. I changed the date to 2009 and high-lighted my name: b,e,h,t (Beth) in Topaz rather than the black as charted.

Last week was pretty amazing.

I had a Great Blue Heron Fly overhead.

The male Black-headed Grosbeaks showed up in mass.
This one is yelling at a Brown-headed Cowbird.
Black-headed Grosbeak - male


More sunflowers

I also got to see several Orange-crowed Warblers.

It's rare to actually see the crown.

If you enlarge this photo you can see the dull orange atop the head.

And also new for spring - a Chipping Sparrow

It has a distinctive russet strip atop its head.

And another Warbler!

This is a Nashville Warbler

It's a long ways from Tennessee!
When it was named, they did not know the full extent of its range.  

1 comment:

  1. Your bird sampler looks fabulous, Beth. What a wonderful assortment of birds you shared in today's post!


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