Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday's Hummers - FINALLY!

Nesting continues...

The Anna's females are hard at work.

I'm glad I bought another ball of nesting material.

This bird flew off toward the front of the house...I've never found a nest.

But the EXCITING NEWS is...

My first sighting of a male Rufous Hummingbird on 3/27/23.

This is the latest that I can remember.

When I look back at my Facebook memories, they are dated between March 4th and March15th.

I don't know if our unabated cold and stormy weather delayed migration...

...but I am so glad to see this guy.

I hope this means in the next week or so I'll begin to see see Rufous females and immature birds.

Welcome back! 

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see Mr. Rufous Hummer make his first appearance! What a handsome fella he is.


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