Thursday, March 16, 2023

Further Woodpeckers

Continuing with my Frame a Rabbit theme, several years ago I took in Ewe & Eye & Friend's "Brown Bunny" to be finished. 

We decided on a very plain brown frame wit a bit of a metallic finish. 

As the sampler is a bit busy, I thought a simple frame would be best.

I think it sets off the piece nicely...and so does the brown bunny.

I am glad to see the Acorn Woodpeckers once again.

One of the males came to the backyard to eat.

They're not comfortable with me sitting on the patio...

...and they fly away if I move a muscle.

This is the tree they most often hang out on. 

On the left are the two Acorns, on the right a Flicker.

Acorn male #1

Acorn male #2 

Side by side - Flicker and Acorn.

1 comment:

  1. Darling bunny stitch and I love its frame molding. Glad the Flickers and Acorns play nicely together!


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