Thursday, March 30, 2023

Back Again

Design -Briar Rabbit
Designer - La-D-Da
Fabric - 35 count R & R 18th Century Rook
Fibers - Needlepoint Silks
Started - 28 July 2009
Completed - 5 August 2009

I am very pleased with the finished product. I used 35 count 18th Century Rook linen and the Needlepoint Silks as charted. It is a lovely little sampler and fits perfectly as part of my "Rabbit Summer of 2009". I think this one needs to get framed. 

Just when I think that the Acorn Woodpeckers have moved on... or more comes back.
This one fended off a much larger Flicker.
Can you see the blurry bird leaving?

Classic Woodpecker pose.

Feed up high and tail feathers serving as a support prop.

Later in the day I heard two birds chattering to one another.

Note the bit of red on the throat.


  1. Your rabbit piece looks fantastic and yes, it needs to be framed. I finally saw a male Downy woodpecker this morning while walking the treadmill.

  2. I love your rabbit header. So many cute bunnies! Our daffodils are finished blooming. They resisted the rain and wind, but when we had that windstorm with winds up to 75 miles an hour for nine hours straight, they finally gave up. We had rainy Fridays for a while. This week is no exception. The crap apple trees are bursting with buds and these past two days of sunshine have teased them. I can't remember a year when I was able to enjoy the flowers for more than a day or two. Mother Nature!
    Love the bobcat! So many beautiful blooms and birds.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.