Friday, January 20, 2023

And Now a New Start

Back to The Little Stitcher's Full Moon series I go.
This time I'm working on "Snow Moon".

Woodpeckers are my reliable winter birds.

Here's a little male Downy.

I've seen Hairy Woodpeckers and LOTS of Flickers too.

I continue to hear and see one male Acorn Woodpecker.

Where the rest have gone to, I cannot say.

Bring your buddies!

After years and years of the birds preferring the feeders at the front of the house...

...this bird is a backyard bird.

I'll continue to watch - am hoping they successfully nest this spring. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely new start, Beth! We have noticed a bit of Flicker activity this week. Happy Friday!


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