Tuesday, September 20, 2022

She's Back

Design - "Bitty Birds"
Chart - "Harvest Trio"
Designer - Twisted Threads
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 October 2010
Completed - 10 October 2010

Just three colors used for this stitch.

She's Back!

I worry that each time I see an Acorn Woodpecker it might be the last for a while. 

The female Acorn Woodpecker has been the most reliable as of late.

And even she has been pretty erratic.

I only see her once a week, if that.

So I probably have gone overboard with photos.

She is a very handsome bird.

The trio of colors: black, white and red are very striking. 

Suet is always good.

Those big claws are good for gripping trees while caching acorns.


This view gives a great look at her red head.

And woodpeckers are wonderful at hanging upside down.

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