Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Quail and a Tomato

Design - "Tangy Tomato"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 40 count Sandstone
Fibers - Anchor & GAST
Started - 11 September 2010
Completed - 15 September 2010

As simple as this chart may appear, I had "counting issues" and ended up adding to the horizontal border to better center the tomato.  I also changed the color of the tomato to GAST Simply Shaker "Tomato" - how could I not use that color? 

I continue to see this small quail family.

One or sometimes two adult males watch over...

...four or five young birds.

Two youngsters

I hope they manage to make it through the winter and help grow the number of quail next spring.

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