Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday's Neato Critters

So starting out with a totally new to me critter!  

A Long-tailed Weasel

It is very small - but fierce - has been known to take on a rabbit.

The gap between the path and the fence is only about 3" to give you an idea of size.

The close by chipmunk appeared unfazed.

Gray Squirrel

And for the first time in a long time - a Brush Rabbit.

Rabbit and California Quail


  1. Well, what an interesting critter you had show up! I hope he doesn't become a frequent visitor. Hmmm, I think I prefer the bear.

  2. What fun critters. That weasel is amazing. I had no idea they were that small, but every ounce is packed with cuteness.

  3. Wow!! Cute in a weaselly way! And Mr(s).Rabbit looks like s/he's seen some action with the raggedy ears!


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