Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Surprise Visitor

 Design - "Cold Hands Warm Heart"

Designer - Lizzie Kate

Fabric - 16 count Stardust Heatherfield
Fibers - GAST & Rainbow Gallery Wisper fibers
Started - 10 January 1999
Completed - 6 February 1999

I had an unusual visitor...

...particularly this time of year.

I heard the bird and begged it to alight atop a tree.

It did!

That allowed me the chance to ID it.

A female Western Bluebird.
Something I rarely see.


  1. What a treat to have a visit by a Western Bluebird this time of year. Maybe she'll stick around thru spring and build a nest? That would be delightful.

  2. What a great spot and such a beautiful bird!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.