Thursday, December 9, 2021

Geese and Other Birds

Here's a blast from my distant stitching past! 

Design - "Christmas is Coming" 
Chart - "Bordering on a Towel"
Designer - Alma Lynne
Fabric -  Aida hotpads 
Fibers - DMC
Stitched - late 1980's?

 Design - "The Goose is Getting Fat"
Chart - "Bordering on a Towel"
Designer - Alma Lynne
Fabric -  Aida hotpads 
Fibers - DMC
Stitched - late 1980's?

I stitched two pairs of these hotpads as Christmas gifts.
I am guessing late 1980's / early 1990's.

I still think they are kinda' cute. 

And now back to Bushtits - our regularly scheduled programming~

About seven Bushtits showed up Wednesday morning.

I was surprised to see them on a peanut feeder. 

Usually they are all about suet.

But not this time.



And another male.

Left, right, sideways, and upside down! 


  1. I remember those geese. I would say mid to late 80s. The Bushtits are adorable birds.

  2. Oh my, what great photos of Bushtits. They are such sweet little birds. The photo of one just looking at you cracks me up. Too cute. Lucky you!


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