Friday, August 27, 2021

A Bird-Like Blob

The white blob is beginning to look more like a bird!

I've not talked much about the wildfires in this area. There's been a large one to the east burning uncontained for several weeks. Looking at the background of this photo, it was a smoky day.  Fortunately, we've not had many days with poor air quality.  We have now gone 54 days without rain.  

I had a busy little female Downy Woodpecker show up.

She's so much smaller than the Hairy Woodpeckers and the Flickers, but she generally holds her own.

In this series she got to eat undisturbed by other, larger birds.  


  1. You have made good progress on the bird stitch, Beth. Praying that rain falls soon in your area.

  2. I'm praying for rain soon. Too many fires and sadly more areas impacted with poor air quality. Interesting woodpecker, so small. I wouldn't have thought it was part of the woodpecker family. Thanks for sharing. Stay safe.


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