Thursday, May 27, 2021

Some Unusual Visitors

Design - "Cats"
Designer - Barrick Samplers
FAbric - 32 count Birds of a Feather 'Meadowlark'
Fibers - GAST -2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 September 2014
Completed - 11 September 2014

Last week a couple of Mallards came by on a rainy afternoon.

That's pretty unusual for here.

I also had three Purple Martins two evenings in a row.

They are generally August visitors.

Unusual to see BOTH Ravens.

Still House-hunting though I'm seeing the swallows with bits of dried grass too.

They seem taken with this nesting box.

Here's hoping.

This bird is my nemesis.
She come by each morning and spends up to 90 minutes harassing the the jays and keeping any small birds from coming to the feeders.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet cat piece, Beth! Lovely shots; your nemesis is a beauty.


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