Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Late with a Post

Design - "Bloom"
Designer - Sam Sarah
Fabric - Antique Ivory Cork
Fibers - 
Started - 29 April 2006 
Completed - 6 May 2006


I have a pair of Black-capped Chickadees house hunting.

This is the bird I thought might be a Mountain Chickadee.
He's not - he just has some pigment issues.

As you can see the chickadees have chosen a cat face bird house.

They spend 30 minutes or so...

looking and going in...

and coming back out.

I'll have to check back in a few days to see if they are serious.

I hope they are.


  1. That is very cool. I hope they close escrow soon! 😁🕊

  2. Cute birdhouse! Hope they take up residence!

  3. That bird looks so cute in that birdhouse!

  4. Cute pics of those chickadees!. --annavsxs


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