Tuesday, April 13, 2021

New Yard Bird!

Design - "Tiny Chick"
Chart - "Soft Boiled"
Design - The Cricket Collection
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Fabric - Bright yellow linen scrap
Started - 24 March 2013
Completed - 26 March 2013

Saturday morning I heard something...  

I looked high atop a tall, tall Douglas for tree to see
this flock of four birds.  I thought they were House Finches even though they did not sound 'right'.

Upon looking at the photos on the larger screen of my computer and listening to audio records, it was clear that these were not House Finches.
They are Red Crossbills (type 2 Ponderosa Pine). 

This is a male and you can sort of see the the upper mandible overlaps with the lower. 

They live east of the Cascade Mountains and eat the seeds of pine cones.  They are rare west of the Cascade Mountains so this is a really good yardbird!


  1. Whoo hoo! New bird! LOVE your chick stitch...too sweet!

  2. Awesome about the new yard bird, Beth! Maybe they will hang around!

  3. Beth: We have this type of bird every year, its fun to watch them flit around.
    They annoy my dog with their chattering, I love it.
    Your chick is positively adorable.



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