Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday's Critters

A chipmunk...


And just a Gray  Squirrel.

I typed just a gray squirrel, but upon research a bit, I've found that the Western Gray Squirrel is an Oregon Conservation Strategy Species in the Willamette Valley.  

Western gray squirrels occupy oak woodlands, oak savannas, and mixed oak-pine-fir woodlands. They prefer older oak trees with large limbs and continuous canopy cover to facilitate movement. Major threats include habitat loss, alteration, and fragmentation. Vegetation changes due to fire suppression and residential and urban development are among these impacts. Populations may also be adversely affected by road mortality and damage control efforts. **

State conservation actions: Work with private landowners to maintain and restore oak and mixed oak-pine-fir woodlands, especially large patches. Work with landowners experiencing damage to trap/relocate squirrels. Maintain continuous canopy within 200 feet of nest sites. Maintain or plant mast species, such as Oregon white oak and California hazel. Maintain older trees with large limbs. **

We do have a large mixed woodlands, so are doing the right thing!

** Information taken fom Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website.

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