Saturday, August 8, 2020

July's Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

July turned out to be a pretty good month of activity in the backyard.

Several quail families scurried back...

...and forth.

And back again.

An opossum in the middle of the night. 

I keep hoping to see babies.

A raccoon


..and baby.

Baby selfie

Doe and fawn with tongue out.

Having breakfast

Barry Buck

Doe and three fawns - no she does not have triplets - one 'belongs' to another doe.

Barry Buck

Barry Buck and a fawn nose to nose.

Fawn and a bunny (back right).

Several bobcat sightings - evening 

Late morning

Look closely - there are kittens to the right of the adult. 

Early morning

We even had bears in the backyard and my bird feeders were unscathed! 

Mama Bear...

...and two cubs.

The cubs

Watchful Mama

She's extremely alert.


  1. Fantastic Beth! I love these monthly backyard updates!

  2. Love the shot of Barry Buck and the fawn! Your bears look very healthy. The neighbors have had a yearling hanging around their house. It looked rather scrawny in the picture they shared. Enjoy your Saturday!

  3. I love seeing your trail pictures! What a good mama bear!


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