Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Bear Cubs

Mama Sow and her two cubs showed up twice in June.

The cubs appear to be non-stop trouble.

I had over 150 photos to chose from.

Mama left, but they're not ready to go.

Up a tree.

Mama returns.

Have a drink.

Play in the water.

Mama swats one of the miscreants! 

It does not appear to bother them as they play... 

...and play...

...and 30 minutes later from the first photos they are still playing!

Back again later in the month.

Checking out a tree...

...and playing.  Poor, tired Mama!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Beth, these pictures and your commentary made me chuckle! It looks like the cubs are having a good time. Enjoy your Sunday!


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