Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Basic Birds

Design - "Keeping the Bees" (kit)
Designer - Shepherd's Bush
Fabric - 32 count Light Sand linen
Fibers - Silks - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 15 June 2015
Completed - 19 June 2015

We've had a rainy beginning to the week, but the birds still are active.

This year the Chickadees did not use any of my nesting boxes.  I think most have fledged as I have lots and lots eating sunflower seeds and suet.

Still a daily regular - the female half of my Evening Grosbeak couple.

Woodpecker action continues apace. 

The Hairy Woodpeckers use this bird bath as their drinking fountain.

A handsome boy - male Northern Flicker.

Here's the Acorn Woodpecker pair on the snag they are using to nest in. The male is on the upper right, the female below and two the left of him.  There briefly was a 3rd bird - could the nestling have fledged?  Stay tuned.

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