Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday's Mixed Bag

A mixed bag today.

Tell me that's not beyond cute!

This bunny has rather tattered ears.

The left one has quite the notch. 

But the grass is green...

...and so the bunny is happy.

Am still seeing hummingbirds gathering nesting material.

This Anna's has snagged a nice sized bit.

Busy busy busy.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.


  1. Love all the pictures! Where did you purchase the cotton ball for the hummingbirds?

  2. These pics make my day! Lovely.

  3. What a fabulous shot of the squirrel! Too cute! I would love to know the bunny's story about his/her ears. Always enjoy your hummingbird pictures, Beth! Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. Love the photo of the little critter drinking! It is very interesting to see the hummingbird gathering the nesting material.

  5. So cool about the hummingbird! Great pictures!

  6. I really enjoyed these photos!


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