Monday, April 13, 2020

After a Long Hiatus

I began stitching this in March 2019, and this is where I left off on August 16, 2019.  Then it just sat and sat ans sat.

About a week ago, I picked up "Wisdom" again and have been working on it a couple of hours most mornings.  I've finally made enough progress to be worth a newer photograph.

Did you see the full moon the other night?
It was worth stepping outside to see.

My Acorn Woodpeckers have once again become 'regulars' at the feeder, and it makes me so happy.

The pink-eyed female is in the front, the blue-eyed male in the back.

They've been munching peanuts... well as suet.

Front yard and backyard.

The male even landed on my largest tube feeder and munched away on sunflower seeds. 

But this is the exciting news.
See that nice round hole?

I think I've located this year's active Acorn Woodpecker nest cavity.

Flying away...

Peeking inside.  It is at the edge of our property line, quite a distance away.  I don't know where in the process the birds are - nest building maybe.  No one has poked a head out, so I'll keep watching now that I know where it is. 


  1. Wisdom is looking good, Beth. The full moon was covered by the overcast here which gave it an odd glow. Glad your Acorn Woodpeckers have returned as regulars.

  2. What fun seeing where those birds might be nesting! I love the bird on Wisdom.

  3. Oh that's so exciting! The nest site! So cool! And I love your stitching -- it's so pretty!


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