Friday, March 6, 2020

FOS Rufous Hummingbird!

Chart - "Rabbit"
Designer - Fanci That - Pumpkin Match Lane Series
Fabric - Rough Rustic Linen
Fibers - DMC
Completed - 2009

I like it very much - stitched it on a rough rustic linen that I think works well. I tweaked the piece a little bit - decided to outline the tail and both ears though it was not charted that way, and changed the color of the whisker.

Birding was a bit slow Wednesday morning!

This Cooper's Hawk hung out around the back yard for several hours.

The Lesser Goldfinches were not pleased!

See the brown on the breast of this bird?

I think this is my First of Season sighting of a female Rufous Hummingbird (4 March 2020).

And this is, I think a male Rufous also seen on the 4th.

The same day I had several female Anna's busy gathering nesting material.

It is SO easy to set out a ball of organic untreated cotton and watch the birds make off with it. 

Some day, some day I hope to see an actual nest!


  1. Cute bunny stitch! I wouldn't get much accomplished because I would want to sit and watch the birds come and go with the nesting materials.

  2. Love the cross-stitch, very cute. The hawk is lovely even if the smaller birds are not happy. Have a good weekend, Diane


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