Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Snowmen and Bushtits

Colors are very festive - especially the WDW Collards and Lancaster Red used in the hat and scarf. 
Name  - Bernard
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fibers - WDW
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Started - 6 October 2009
Completed - 8 October 2009

No snow here yet - maybe next week...

I did have a White-throated Sparrow show up.

See the yellow in front of the eyes?

That and the white throat are what distinguishes it from a White-crowned Sparrow.

And I have festive photos of my flock of Bushtits.

They started coming by around 3:30pm for a final taste of suet for the day.

This time I was able to stand within five feet or so of the feeder.

They flit and chatter and are great fun to watch.

I'm hoping they hang out for the rest of the winter.


  1. What a fun group of Bushtits you have! Love the snowman stitch! No snow here, although it was mentioned for today's forecast. Time will tell!

  2. I love the hat on the snowman and thanks for sharing the bushtit photos. No snow here in Oz, only Bushfires!!!!!


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