Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dam! We Have a Beaver!

There's been a gray squirrel hanging around.

I don't mind him down at the Big Bird Feeder.

In fact, I enjoy watching him scamper up and down the tree...

...and back and forth...

...over the cross bar.
But he comes up to the deer fence and grabs my millet creatures that I set out for the Juncos.  And that annoys me.

But this is our Big News!

A neighbor alerted me that we have Beaver Activity on the Big Creek!
I hope everyone leaves it alone - it does not look as though it will flood out anyone's driveway. Last time it was trapped and I hope this is a more discrete location and is not noticed.   


  1. Hope the beaver activity doesn't flood out anyone's driveway. We haven't had much squirrel activity for the past few days; we have noticed a red-tailed or red-shouldered hawk hanging around. Enjoy your Saturday, Beth!

  2. I think it would be fun to watch the beaver's activity!


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