Friday, September 6, 2019

Great Woodpeckers

Design - "Dragonfly"
Designer - Little House Needleworks
Fabric - 28 count Patina Lakeside linen
Fibers - Crescent Colors
Used almost 5 years of Blooming Crocus (the border color)
Started - 15 April 2010
Completed - 20 April 2010       

I'm still seeing dragonflies zoom around in the evening.

I've also had a couple of good woodpecker sightings.

First off this Red-breasted Sapsucker.

He gave me a couple of good poses.

I say he, but with sapsuckers the males and females look alike.

I think he is an immature bird still coming into his full coloring.

The face will become a much strong red as the bird ages.

I also got to see a Pileated Woodpecker.

I'm reasonably sure that this is a female.

The red on the head ends at the eye, and the mustache is dark rather than red.  Both signs of a female.

This one called out several times, which is how I then found the bird.

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