Saturday, August 3, 2019

July Trail Camera Photos - the Backyard

Here's a sampling of the Trail Camera photos from the backyard.

I think the Cooper's Hawk is a new 'capture' for us.

I expect that he flew in trying to snag a quail. 

It does not appear that he was successful.

Skunks have become regular backyard visitors.

We've seen one pop out of the brush around dusk. 

And I've smelled one several times.

As you can see, we have at least two of them.

A raccoon popped in for a visit. 

He seems to know what he is about!

And of course there are deer.


...and early morning.

It's good to see a fawn or two. I've not seen any for several weeks.  

This young buck comes by several times a week. 

After a month's hiatus, the gray fox has returned. 

No, wait! There are two foxes!  

A bobcat showed up too.
In the evening...

At my bed-time...

In the middle of the night.

Perfect cat pose.

And out for a noon stroll!


  1. You are so lucky to have the camera, it shows all sorts that you would never know are there. Have a good weekend Diane

  2. These are fabulous but I love the noon stroll of bobcat!! Such a gorgeous animal....Thanks once again for enjoy! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Your backyard is full of critters, Beth! We saw a fox on the way over to the farmers' market today. It was our second sighting this week. Great shots of the Cooper's Hawk and the bobcat!

  4. I just love seeing these lovely creatures going about their business! How wonderful to see a Cooper's Hawk and all the others.


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