Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saturday's Critters

We've had a couple of days where the high reached 90F.
Nonetheless, the mornings begin cool but sunny.
Perfect hunting weather!

What's to hunt?

An Oregon Garter Snake is always interesting.

As are the chippies!

Got an inch, do you?

Ready to take off.

A Dynamic Duo in the shadows.
Bunny on the left, chipmunk on the right. 

Inquisitive gray squirrel.

Placid bunny. 

Grumpy bunny.

I've not seen a fawn for a couple of weeks now.

This young buck is one of the regulars.


  1. Good to see the wildlife at your place. We're heading to 90 again for a few days. Keep cool!

  2. So, what was Parvarti (I can't remember if I spelled that right) hunting? Your young buck is a handsome fellow. The snake, not so much! Have a fabulous Saturday!

  3. Nature is so fun to watch --and to take photos of--
    thanks for sharing--
    luv, di

  4. I am just not a snake lover! I know they do a lot of good and would never kill one but I can do without seeing them!


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