Friday, July 5, 2019

Leaves, Branches and Birds

I've finished up the leaves, the branches, and started stitching the roof of the birdhouse.

I hope you all enjoyed the 4th of July.  

We were treated to a bobcat in the backyard. I had to run and get my camera, so only one 'going away' photo. Also had our first sighting of two quail families with numerous tiny, tiny babies.  I hope to get some photos.

I can share a few shots of a female Yellow Warbler.

I'm seeing warblers early in the morning and between 6-7:00pm.

Here she is next to a male American Goldfinch. 

Pretty cool, huh?

The darker back of this bird in indicative of an Orange-crowned Warbler.

Further Orange-crowned photos.

Very sweet.

I've had three Western Tanager sightings.

Got really excited about this visit.

Then the next visit got better photos. 


...and branches!  They're always in the way!


  1. Beth, I think the birds do the leaves/limbs/branches on purpose. LOL Interesting bobcat picture! Do you normally have them that near?

  2. What a nice variety...just beautiful!!

  3. I love your yellow birds photoed in all those branches--how neat--
    and can't wait for the'baby photos'--
    but that bobcat would have me plenty anxious!!!
    luv, di

  4. So many extraordinary yellow birds. Just beautiful. That calendar would be amazing! Your photography is fantastic!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.