Saturday, June 1, 2019

May Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

While the fox seems to have left the area, everyone else was well represented in the month of May.

California Quail couple.

Quail guy.

Steller's Jay

Jay and bounding bunny.


The skunk came by several nights.

It is a good sized animal. 

And has quite the floofy tail.

The more reclusive opossum. 

There you are!

Lots of photos of raccoons. 

Standing up

Prancing by

Looking directly at the camera.

What's it its mouth I wonder.

The deer were well represented.




Was pleased to see a Bobcat stroll by one afternoon.

Places to go...

...and things to do.


  1. Lots of critter activity during May! That shot of the raccoon standing up is a first for me. I wonder how one discourages a skunk. Enjoy your Saturday!

  2. I always love to see what is going on in your woods!


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