Thursday, June 27, 2019

I Did It!

Design - "Robin"
Chart - "Prairie Birds"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt Ocean Kiss linen
Started - 10 October 2018
Completed - 26 June 2019

I think this is a record - longest time I've taken to complete a small!  For the last several weeks this has sat idle - I discovered that I had not used DMC 610 for the nest as charted, and I'd run out of the mystery brown before completing the nest.  So yesterday I got down to business and frogged out the nest.  Today I chose another brown - not DMC 610 and restitched the nest.  I am most pleased with it. And again I give a shout-out to Vicki at ixstitch for giving me the OOP fabric which allowed me to stitch this.

So let's celebrate American Robins. 

A fledgling.

Another fledgling.

Singing up a storm.

Muddy beak.

Iconic pose.

Rainy day.

More singing.

Cutest fledgling ever.

Surveying the landscape.

"You looking at me?"

Profiles in Birdland. 


  1. Congratulations on getting the Robins block finished, Beth! I like the brown you used for the nest. Which brown did you go with? I love the Robin pictures you featured today. Those fledglings are adorable. I don't think I have seen one in real life. Enjoy your day!

  2. I love the pose--for rainy day--
    it's like he is saying--"it can't be raining --again!!!!"
    luv, di

  3. Beautiful stitch! Lovely robin collection...babies are adorable such loyal birds! Have a wonderful Friday...

  4. Robins are so common here it is easy to forget how really pretty they are. Your photos helped me remember that. Your stitched piece is lovely and better late than never is what I say!

  5. Beautiful finish. I enjoyed looking at the photos of the Robins; they are so pretty.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.