Monday, May 13, 2019

Woodpecker Celebration

Design - "Nine Drummers"
Chart - "On the Seventh Day of Christmas"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count Glen Ellyn R & R linen 
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 25 September 2017
Completed - 6 October 2017

Looking back at my blog, I've not reported on my woodpeckers in quite some time.  So here goes the report for this month.

This little male Downy Woodpecker has been a regular early morning visitor.

And my early morning I mean around 6:30am. 

See his tongue?

He's a true early bird.

Last week I had two Red-breasted Sapsucker come by.

They chased each other around and around and around this large Douglas fir tree.

One bird's head appears extra long and fluffy / feathery.  I think it is too early for a fledgling, so maybe it is a courting look.  

The most interesting news is in Acorn Woodpecker World.

For several years now, I've had just three birds - two males and a female.

This is a mature male - note the red eye.

Recently, I mentioned by excitement on seeing two females at the same time.

What strikes me now, is that the second female has blue eyes indicative of a young bird.  

And now I'm seeing a male with blue eyes - another youngster.  I don't have any sense that "my" birds have successfully nested - I think it is too early yet. So my working theory is that these are new birds from another group seeking to join 'my' group of birds.

I've had a male Hairy Woodpecker come by a couple of times, but do not have recent photos to 'prove' it.

So I'll finish the post with several photos of handsome male Red-shafted Northern Flickers. 

They also arrive early in the morning for a suet breakfast.

But then they also return for lunch and dinner!


  1. Super woodpecker shots, Beth! I learned something this morning about the young and mature Acorn Woodpeckers. Have a marvelous day!

  2. What a great stitched piece!! Love all your woodpecker photos!

  3. Your woodpecker stitchery is adorable!

    Really enjoyed seeing all your woodpeckers, and how exciting for you to have the young acorns frequenting your yard.

    We were so excited yesterday - had a hummingbird visiting our azaleas. No idea what kind and he left before I could catch a picture, but this is a very early sighting for us. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.