Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday's Walk

The Big Leaf Maples are in bloom.  That makes for lots of bird action in the trees  - I saw three Yellow Warblers gobbling insects one morning.

Blossoms unfurl...

Ferns unfurl...

Wild strawberries...

Osier dogwood.


Vine maple in bloom - so very pretty.

Nootka roses are leafed out.

Ocean spray in bud.


Green, green, and more green.

Fiddlehead of a Bracken fern.

Iris tenax dominates the meadows.

The shades of purple vary from clump to clump.
From dark... light.

Often these last to the end of May, but we've not had any rain since early April, and that combined with warm temperatures mean that these will fade much early than usual.

Enjoy them while you can!


  1. Gorgeous iris photos! Everything is so lush in your neck of the woods, Beth. I didn't see the blossoms, but we discovered several wild strawberries next to the garage.

  2. The iris are especially pretty. No rain here either! I'm seriously worried about wild fires this summer!


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