Monday, May 20, 2019

Coming Down the Home Stretch

The nest is almost down - a few more leaves and flowers and I'll have this one wrapped up.

This past week...
...I was treated to a Great Blue Heron fly over.

Some of the Violet-green Swallows have gotten serious about nesting.

The male is perched on the eaves on the left, while the female peeks out of the bird house.

I had a special treat.

A Warbling Vireo came by.

I was so pleased that I got a few good looks.

No, it did not sing for me - maybe next time.


  1. You have made wonderful progress on the Robin block, Beth. What a good shot of the Blue Heron flying over! Hope the Warbling Vireo sings for you soon.

  2. What a cute, cute stitch you are working on Beth. That Warbling Vireo is so darling!

  3. Love your stitching! I've never seen a heron fly before -- pretty cool! We get herons in the lake in our town, so I've seen them fairly close up.

  4. What a really pretty little bird! Your stitched piece is looking great!


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