Thursday, April 25, 2019

Spring Stitch and Bird Walk

Design - Spring (Zipper kit)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - unknown - large count like Tula
Fibers - six strands
Started - 18 March 2001
Completed - 1 April 2001

I went on a walk to look at wildflowers...

...the walk turned out to be very birdy.
Here's a Goldfinch.

Purple Finch


Evening Grosbeaks

But this was my Best Bird. 

An Orange-crowned Warbler.

Usually they flit about making taking photos difficult.

As you can see this one posed for me.

I got several nice shots.

I also found a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

The light was not the best...

...but you can see its distinctive yellow throat...

...and yellow on the wings.

A Black-capped Chickadee sang for me.

And up near the house I found a second Orange-crowned Warbler.  

At the house I took a seat only to be entertained by this Chestnut-back Chickadee.


  1. What a super spring stitch you created in 2001! Love the colors! Beth, you always share the best bird shots with us. Thank you!

  2. Wow, this is a great post, glad you shared the walk with us. Keep well Diane

  3. Beth, you live in paradise! Perhaps we all do, but you take the time to look and SEE. Thank you for sharing!

    Your spring stitch is so sweet....

  4. That was a wonderful bird walk!Those warblers were so pretty.

  5. Such a sweet Spring stitch! You have been stitching a long time~!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.