Tuesday, April 16, 2019

My Heart is Broken

The first time I saw Notre Dame was in 1976 and I was a wide-eyed 17-year old.
I was awed and stunned by the size...

...the majesty...

...and the amazing details from ground level to...

...upon high.

I had the opportunity to visit again in 1979, 1984,
and 1986.

My most recent visit was with my mom in 2013 - the 850th anniversary of the cathedral.

Watching the news videos yesterday, it is hard to conceive all the has been lost.
Medieval stained glass windows.

Interior details...

...including Christ appearing to the holy women.

All that light... 

....all the work and all the faith expressed in glass... 

...and pigment - gone.

Hearts are broken in Paris, in France.
Hearts are broken worldwide.


  1. Yes. It is tremendously sad. It is hard to take it all in. I do remember your visit there in 2013 Beth.

  2. So very, very sad. It has survived so many tough years of wars and then this. Diane

  3. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos of the Cathedral, Beth!

  4. I have never been there but I too, was heartbroken to see this incredible place burn! Thank you for sharing some of your beautiful photos!

  5. Fortunately, the main stained glass windows have been saved like the big round window above the front entrance. The firefighters have done a tremendous work. One of them has been badly injured, let's hope he will recover promptly.

    The roof and the "arrow" (sorry my English is not so good) have been lost, but a lot of the treasures have been saved, thanks God.

    It is still a devastating news as the "forest", as was called the roof wood frame, was made of hundreds of oak trees. It won't be possible to replace them.

    But French people are very strong, they will do whatever is necessary to re-build the Cathedral to the best of the possibilities. Some experts were saying that it will take from 15 to 20 years. Now they just need all the knowledge of the medieval art craftsmen and time.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.