Sunday, March 3, 2019

February Trail Camera Photos - The Backyard

We got some nice photos in the backyard in February. My only disappointment is that we got so much snow on Monday 2/25 that it covered the camera and I did not get any snow photos.

We've had lots of quail this past month.

I've counted over 50.

We had a bit of snow early in the month, it did not stop the quail.

I do not often see squirrels, but one has been hanging out in the backyard.

Bunny in the daytime...

Bunny at night.

Hop bunny!


I just read that February and March are mating time for skunks.

The females are supposed to spray to show the males they are not interested.

That's certainly what it looks like this one is doing.

And yes, we've smelled eau de skunk in the backyard.

Here is a 'quiet' skunk.

A raccoon was a regular throughout the month. 

Came by night...

...after night. To the right...

...and the left.

Hey there!

Here's our common gray fox.

He's a handsome fellow.



...and again.

Two sightings of our bobcat.

This is a nice shot!

And here's our mystery photo - who do you think this is?  I think it is a bunny.

Our only snowstorm shot.


  1. Great shot of the bobcat!! That bunny was certainly checking out your camera!

  2. Wow, Beth! Hmmm, I didn't know that about skunks. Love the bobcat picture! I think it is a bunny eyeballing your camera. Enjoy your day!

  3. I'm glad to see all the wildlife survived that big snow!


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