Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday's Moonlight Celebration

Did you have a chance to step outside Monday night?

The Snow Moon was pretty remarkable.

We lucked out with clear skies.

The moon was HUGE and clear and the different shades were easily apparent to the naked eye.

Lots of rain makes for lots of moss..

..and encourages seeds to germinate - even if they are still on the plant.


  1. Beautiful shots of the moon ..I too was able to see gorgeous views here in northern MN, so spectacular especially in winiter when you get extra brightness from the winter blanket looks like someone left the lights on!

  2. What stunning shots of the snow moon you captured, Beth! We had snow overnight and it is continuing to fall with very fine flakes so it is covering the moss and the muddy mess from all the rain.

  3. What beautiful photos of the moon. We had a glimpse of it but then the clouds came.

  4. What a lovely view of the Snow Moon you had there -- too cloudy here, unfortunately.


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