Monday, February 25, 2019


This is what I woke up to this morning!

The snow began about 11:30pm last night.

I spent over an hour yesterday prepping  my bird feeders for the storm.

It's a heavy, wet snow.

At 5:30am we had 6" now we have close to 8" and it is still snowing.

It looks so very pretty.

We are lucky that we have a generator as we lost power about 5am.

I went outside about 5:30am and the sky lit up several times with blue/white flashes as transformers popped and power lines crashed down.  

This is thick heavy snow.

I worry about limbs coming down.

Fortunately the Douglas fir trees are pretty good about shaking off the snow.

I'll be interested to see what the day brings.

I'm supposed to go to work at 9:30am, but the county has not yet plowed our road...

I did have a real thrill this morning while I was taking these photos.

Out in the falling, blowing snow I heard and watched this guy fly over to the feeder.

It gave me goose-bumps to watch him flying in the snow.

I'm so glad that I have feeders out for him. 

I'll be interested to see what birds come by today.


  1. Oh my Beth, what a lot of snow! Poor little bird having to fight through that kind of weather - it's hard to think that it can survive at all.

  2. Oh, what a gorgeous sights, Beth! I do believe you've had more snow in the northwest than we've had here in western PA this year!! Really crazy!

  3. Sure is pretty. Maybe you will be lucky and it will melt fast!

  4. What a winter wonderland you have, Beth! I hope your power has been restored, but glad you have a generator. Thinking of you!

  5. Thank goodness he had the feeder. Your woods look familiar. Between the snow and the wind storms of December, our woods are full of broken branches!!

  6. We had a big snowstorm here last week. Your pictures look so much like mine but we had over 2 feet! I love your little visitor! How precious!

    Blessings - Julie

  7. Wow, what a storm! While it looks gorgeous, I hope the birds will continue to find their way to your feeders and that your power is restored. I am trying to imagine the sight of that little guy flying through the snow -- magical.

  8. So beautiful! You certainly know how to keep the birds happy, good for you.

  9. I got lots of text pics from our families in Eugene -- it looks so beautiful, but .... can't say I am sorry to miss it. Thank you for taking care of the birds. And I'm glad you have a generator; our kids and grands in various parts of Lane County have been lucky not to have lost their power b/c they don't.

  10. Beautiful snow pictures, just gorgeous. But that hummingbird!! I'd say that visit qualifies as magical.

    (saw your trail camera post - glad to know you're okay after all this!)


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