Tuesday, February 12, 2019

No Snow After All

My original plan for 2019 was to stitch Cottage Garden Sampling's new bird series - one new design each month.  Now January has come and gone, February is half over, and I have not started.  So I've decided to stitch the series in no particular order - just pick a bird I like and get going. First up a Golden-crowned "Kinglet - perfect as it is a winter bird for me.  

Our forecast for snow over the weekend turned out to be a non-event.
Some snow showers, the littlest bit of snow for a couple of hours, then gone. 

The colder weather did bring in a few birds I've not seen for a while, including a Hairy Woodpecker and this blurry photo of a Varied Thrush.

Regular snow birds included dozens and dozens of Juncos... 

...and my California Quail.

I did make sure everyone had plenty to eat. If poor weather returns I'll put out high energy high calorie treats for everyone.  


  1. Oh Beth, every time I see someone stitching one of the Cottage Garden Sampling's new bird series charts, I think of you!! I knew you would love these. They are gorgeous! We had about 5 inches of snow overnight. We will get maybe another inch today.

  2. We got snow and ice so I stayed inside and painted. I did feed my birds, nothing exotic like the ones you get, I just love that puffed on quail on the last photo. He looks comical!

  3. I think that is the favorite of this beautiful bird series, Beth, and may be my next start, too. I'm just finishing up the cardinals--it has taken me almost 7 weeks! Whew--lots of solid stitching in that one, but it is gorgeous :)

  4. I like your bird choice for your stitch! Look forward to seeing your start!

  5. That is such a beautiful bird chart. I look forward to seeing all the designs as you do them. I wish we could give you some of our snow. At least 18 inches on our deck. No school for the 3rd day and they got out early on Friday. Now we have cold rain and a huge mess on the roads. I have not been out since Thursday.

  6. I have some of the Cottage Garden bird patterns but I haven't started them yet. I hope you enjoy stitching the Golden-Crowned Kinglets. The California Quails look all puffed up in the cold! It's very sweet how they stay paired up.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.