Monday, January 28, 2019

Reporting In

This snowman's assembly is taking forever! 
I'm in a stitching funk, but I got a boost on Sunday when a Follower stopped by WBU and introduced herself.  She told me she's been following my blog for years and reads it every morning. Wow!  Out of the blue and so uplifting!  Thanks for taking the time to stop by and 'recharge' my batteries.

Hope these photos bring a smile to your face.

With mild winter weather, the chippies are out and about. 

Hoovering up sunflower seeds.

The result is Chipmunk Cheeks!

Such tiny, delicate paws.

They certainly make me smile.  


  1. Such cuties! They make me smile as well. Your snowman is looking good, Beth.

  2. Sorry to hear of the stitching funk ...hope it goes away soon, been meaning to share with you that my Christmas gift from husband was a great selection of Bark Butter! My birds are loving it!! All because I read your blog so thank you I can’t believe the difference so in northern MN they are Bark Butter lovers....

  3. They are cute little critters! The snowman is coming along too. I just hate to stitch with white floss, maybe that is contributing to your slow down.

  4. Hi, Beth! Just so you know, I read your blog every day. :-)

    I get busy sometimes and click through without leaving a comment, though. But please know I am a faithful reader.

    Oh, the chipmunks are delightful, aren't they? I used to have teddy bear hamsters as pets, and I would love to watch how many food pellets one could stuff back in her cheek pouches. One hamster in particular would put so many in there that she couldn't get through the little doorway to her "bedroom," so she would have to stop and take some out!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.